they say slow and steady wins the race, well I am just that slow and steady! I have taken the tortoise approach to my weight loss journey. I have had to remind myself that this is a lifestyle not a race. If I want the changes to stick I must go slow, although too slow and I will get bored, discouraged and give up. It really is about balance between getting what you want and loving what you have. I love my body for the way it is, strong, healthy and able to move. I will admit that I am carrying more body than I should but I also know that it has given me the best it has for all these years. It carried three beautiful childern to term and was able to give them the "push" into the world to make them strong. It has stayed strong even when I probably wasn't the nicest to it. I am now celebrating what it is and what i want it to become. I love my body for all of the stretch marks of my childern for they are my tiger strips of life. I love every curve, no matter how abundant they maybe. I even love the aches and pains my body gives me to remind  me that I am alive and able to move when many others might not. I am beginning to feel the changes that I have made. My body becoming stronger, the aches are a little less. Something as simple as being able to walk down stairs with out hanging on to the rail because my feet are so tight it hurts or even to be able to walk straight down those stairs instead of sideways is a reason to celebrate. I celebrate being able to push harder during a workout session, walk further, enjoy healthy food and actually crave that healthy food and exercise.

Today I celebrate my changes, no matter how small! Today I celebrate me, the woman I was, the woman I am and the woman I will become! Today I celebrate life! Let's live this life to the fullest!!