I enjoy working out. It has made me stronger and helped with a lot of back pain that started in high school and was rather serious all through college. I think working out makes me feel better about myself even before I can see any changes in the mirror. 

With that said I can't help but always worry that I'm going to hurt myself! I feel as though I should push myself more so I actually improve, but then I get nervous and think I shoudl take it easy until I'm stronger. I've been thinking that way for years and years. I'm struggling now because I recently and fairly quickly gained a lot of weight, so somethings are a lot harder for that I used to be able to do happily, like push ups. I'm on diet bet to lose that weight and do push ups again (among other things). Yet, I don't want to go around taking it easy on myself because I think I'm too big to do some things. 

I really don't want to hurt my ankles though... or my knees... or something else... I am kind of clumsy and have hurt myself a lot over the years.  If I could afford a personal trainer I would get one, but alas, the money is tight right now. 

Any advice out there?