I have struggled with my weight since I was a child.  Seriously, I went to Weight Watchers with my mother when I was 10 years old and I lost 10lbs and kept it off for the 16 week maintenance period to get a special pin.  I still have the pin they gave me for reaching my goal and the pin I got for maintaining it.  

Now here I am 40 years later (is that real?) and I am once again dealing with my eating habits.  Actually, I have never stopped thinking about my weight.  Never stopped obsessing about what I am going to eat, when I am going to exercise, when will I lose the last 10 lbs to be at my ideal weight (my standards) and when will I learn that when I stray from a healthy eating pattern I GAIN WEIGHT?  It is basic science and yet every so often I fool myself into believing that I can "get away" with some less than stellar eating habits.  I CAN'T. 

I have the metabolism of a turtle.  No, really I do.  It is part of my genetic makeup.  Everyone in my immediately family struggles with their weight.  Many members of my extended family, on both sides, stuggle with weight issues.  I am usually able to maintain my weight at a healthy level for extended periods of time until out of the blue I get the brillant idea that I can indulge AND get away with it.  Of course I do it a couple times a week for about a month and then I notice that my pants don't fit me!  When did this happen?  I thought I was doing OK. 

Now, the real kicker!   It took me 4-6 weeks to put on an extra 10 lbs and it will take me at least 12 weeks to lose it safely the slow and steady way.  That is if I am strict to the letter AND increase my exercise amount.    NOT FAIR!!  It is worse now that I have gotten older.  I ask myself, "was that pizza really that great?"  Is it worth the misery that I am feeling everytime I go to my closet to try to find something to wear?  DEFINATELY NOT.  It boils down to moderation.  A concept that I struggle with in many areas of my life.  ALL OR NONE thinking is what I tend to thrive on.   I need to work towards balance.  Enjoy life, have a treat once in a while without feeling guilty and then go right back to my healthier habits.  It is nothing new to me.  It is the story of my life.  

Today I want to congratulate everybody who made at least one healthy choice today.  Anyone who resisted temptation when every fiber of your being was screaming for the soft serve ice cream cone with chocolate sprinkles and you drove right by. ( I use that example because they is my vice right now.  King Kone MONSTER vanilla cone with sprinkles.)  

I have joined Diet Bet and challenged myself to lose 4 lbs in the next month.  Actually 4 lbs is what I am required to lose to win the bet.  4.2 lbs to be exact.  I am hoping to stretch that to at least a total of 5 lbs lost.  I needed to do something to hold myself accountable.  I am tired of constantly motivating myself and decided that I could use the support of a group of people striving for the same goal at the same time.  A type of Weight Watchers for the modern age of the internet.   I will let you know how I do.