Trouble Believing


03/27/2015 4:58PM
Hi Elizabeth~ Loved your blog, amazing how similar our hopes & desires are! We all want to feel great & look amazing & want our bodies to last over time. I am really blown away by understanding how many other people struggle with the whole weight / body / in-shape issue, no matter what age or where they live. It is comforting to find so many like-minded people, trying their best to make positive change. If it was easy there would not be a website called, Diet Bet! I understand not believing in yourself, my weakness for red wine has resulted in my weight gain all over again. Compile foot surgery, menopause, & lot's of family drama, I can gain weight like a Super Star! Once the weight gain has happened, then I do not believe I can ever lose it again. It's always a flip of the switch, & a mind set that takes place that allows for those good habits to result in another weight loss event. So belief, we have it working for us & against us. Together I believe we can all do this! Good luck! :)

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