
Hmm. I don't know how to describe yesterday. I think it was a bad day. Not necessarily a really bad day, but mentally and physically it was difficult. Let me start by saying that breakfast and lunch were awesome. Not only that, I felt like I had a really productive day at work because I got a lot of studying in.

The problem starts with my run after I get home. I had a scheduled run yesterday for 6.44 km. Not long at all. I don't know what it was but I just couldn't lose myself like I usually do. My knees were hurting a lot. Usually its not like a super strong pain and it usually stops after 10 mins
into my run but the pain persisted and because of that I wasn't able to enjoy it. On a nicer note I ran without stopping for almost 5km. Maybe that's why but still I don't know.

Then I got home drank my shake and went about my strength excercises as usual. After, I started watching music videos, namely R and B. I don't know how many of you guys are into R and B or hipo-hop but in their music videos there are almost always riduculously beautiful, seemingly perfect,
voluptuous women.

By the time I finished watching 1 hour or so of videos I felt really disatissfied with myself and I KNOW I shouldn't have felt that way. I will NEVER, EVER be happy by comparing myself to other people and I kept reminding myself of that but I still felt down. I felt like I wasn't progressing fast enough. Mind you I had an excellent day of excercise (as in I did it, not enjoyment-wise) and nutrition (I was under a couple hundred calories.)

The root of my unhappiness yesterday was comparison. The only person that I should be comparing myself to is myself. That's the only way I can measure my progress. Not comparing myself to people who have to look their best with the help of professional teams for a music video. I went to sleep with the thought that it was time to take some progress pictures. To give myself cold, hard proof that I am improving.

So I woke up and I did just that. Lo and behold I do notice significant changes. I will not compare myself to others. I will not. I will lose this weight that I feel is holding me back. No matter how long it takes. I will do it.

I will trust the process.

Guys, we can do this.



  • Breakfast: Warm Quinoa Cereal
  • Lunch: Southwest Chicken Salad
  • Dinner: Steak, Garlic Mashed Cauliflower, Asparagus
  • Snacks: Rice Crackers (3), 200ml of whole milk, protein shake

Sleep: 7 Hours

Water: 3 Liters

Exercise: 7.15 km (7:07m/km)