Wow, wow, wow. These past three weeks have been crazy and filled with much pain but I am happy to say that the wisdom teeth episode is over. Finally. That can no longer be an excuse. 

Actually after my operation I was eating really shitty and doing no excercise (because I had four holes in my mouth!) I felt like shit. I was waking up at 7:30, going to work late, I didn't care man. I lost my drive hardcore. It was after I said ENOUGH that I got it back together again. I have been stuck at 76 these past month and that is no one's fault but my own. But today after three days of excercising and once again eating good, whole food I weighed in this morning at 75.7kg and it felt fucking good. I did my workout after and it kicked my ass but knowing that I had finally broken through that self-induced plateau helped me through it.

My first weigh-in at dietbet ever was on Feb. 16 I was 85.9kg. Today, July 15, 5 months later I weighed in at 75.7kg. 10kgs lighter. It makes me emotional to think about it because I clearly remember the girl that signed up for her first dietbet that day. She felt like she had tried everything, that she was never going to be good enough, that she was never going to accomplish the goal she had set for herself. That girl was full of insecurites and had no confidence in herself. I am different today and I know that. I have proven to myself again and again that once I really commit, once I really make that decision, I can do it. I can lose the weight. 

I am going to think of these next 10 kgs as Phase 2. (Hello restart button!!) Then after that it is Phase 3 where I will lose the last 7kgs in order to be my goal weight of 59kg. I will challenege myself to lose these next 10kg in the same time frame, 5 months. I know its only going to get harder but this goal, this constant challenege, and all the success I've had so far are doing wonders for my confidence. I can't stop now.