I want to be free. from thinking. from restricting. from forcing.


08/06/2014 10:58PM
I'm the exact same way. I get frustrated when I see my husband eating whatever he wants and staying the same size. If I want to get a slice of pizza, I think about it for days before actually eating some... Only to feel guilty right after eating. It's seriously crazy, I've been like this for years. I just want to eat, enjoy it, and not feel stressed out about me possibly over eating. If you find a solution, please share with me.

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You and I.. are the SAME!! Mentally the only thing that works for me is being far front he kitchen and busy at work. But even that fails. I'm going to try intermittent fasting. I also think weight training is of value, because your muscles eat up half of what you eat, so that explains how people can drink alcohol and be thin, you know? Not every carb shows on your body when your muscle swallows it up. So you can treat yourself to that goddamn pizza. But muscle also increases appetite. I just can't afford to keep exercising 1.5 hours a day to maintain my weight. It's exhausting. I wish I was 16 again and had too many butterflies in my tummy from young love/boy problems that I only thought about food once a day. lol.

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