
Yesterday was a good day. My breakfast and lunch were delicious. Though I must say that stir-fry tastes
much better fresh and not reheated. I was really good yesterday nutrition-wise. I did have one treat but I wasn't worried because I was still safely within my calorie range.

For snack yesterday I had greek yogurt and jam. Damn it was good! It totally satisfied my sweet tooth all the while being an excellent source of protein. WIN.

I got home yesterday and it was kind of drizziling/super humid so I wasn't too excited for my run. Nonetheless. I went on my run. I have been following my Marathon program for 36 days now. I still have 130 days to go. I was not about to stop now just because I didn't feel like it. Besides it was a short run. The run itself was pretty bad up until the last fifteen minutes but like I said. I got it done.

When I went to weigh myself this morning I was 81.6kg. Meaning I have 1.6kg to lose by April 6th.

5 days.

I can do this!


  • Breakfast: Walnut, Cranberry Oatmeal, chocolate pocky (7 sticks)
  • Lunch: Chicken Broccoli Stir-fry
  • Dinner: 95% lean ground beef patty, zucchini, green peppers, onions
  • Snacks: Protein Shake, Greek yogurt 220g, with 30g of jam

Sleep: 8 Hours

Water: 3 Liters

Exercise: 7.16km (7:28/km)