
Yesterday was a good day. I woke up in very good spirits. The sun was shining, good music was playing, I got up early, life was good!!! I was in a good mood all day!

I had oatmeal again for breakfast yesterday. I didn't have time to prepare my banana pancakes over the weekend because I had company. But I don't mind. At first I thought it tasted bland but it seems I have grown accoustomed to it! yay! A teacher brought some souvenirs from Okinawa. Souvenirs in Japan are ALWAYS food. I used to appreciate this before but now I don't lol.

For lunch I had the same thing that I had for dinner yesterday - beef patty with zucchini, pepper, and onion. It was so yummyyyyyy. I'm not trying to avoid carbs. I love carbs! They help me run! It just happens to be that was my meal. Then for snack I had greek yogurt again. YUM.

After work I got home and I was ravenous for some reason! So I ate an apple. Still hungry so I ate another yogurt. That seemed to do the trick! Then I proceeded to walk my bicycle 2km for repairs because my tire was punctured T.T

While it was being repaired I went to the store and bought a travel bag because...I'm off to Korea for the weekend!!!!!!!!!! This is of course, awesome. But very, very dangerous. So my goal is two fold:

1) Try to eat as BEST as I possibly can (this might mean getting salad while everyone else gets other yummy fried things, I WILL PERSERVERE! and

2) I will drink as little alcohol as possible. If I do drink they will not be mixed drinks and of course lots of water. I don't need to be drunk to have a good night \i just have to keep telling myself that.

This morning I weighed in at 81.1kg. I will work my ass off to get rid of that last kg. I have an 11km run scheduled for today and a 6.5km run scheduled for tomorrow before my flight. Guys I'm gonna give it my all! I hope you do too!!!!

Peace and Love!



  • Breakfast: Oatmeal with walnuts and crasins, souvenir cookie, 200ml of whole milk and coffee
  • Lunch: Beef Patty with zucchini, onion, and green pepper
  • Dinner: Chicken stirfry
  • Snack: Greek Yogurt with jam (2), apple

Sleep: 7.5 hours

Water: 3 Liters

Excercise: 15,600 steps WOOOOO