Monday started off really great. I was in an amazing mood yesterday morning! I was kind of tired because I slept at 11:30 and woke up at 6 but the coffee I drank pepped me right up! The kids were also apparently having a good morning and were being super loud in class…-_-‘ I can’t bring myself to blame them though. There are 37 kids in that class. I am simply going to have to accept that there are going to be days that it will take 30 minutes to do a 10 minute activity. *sigh*

But! I did manage to get out of school early! It started raining on my way home. Great, more rain. At least it wasn’t freezing outside. I just have to remember to be grateful for the little things lol. My run was not that great. Actually it kind of sucked and I just wanted it to be over. I’m sure that I had awful form through out the whole run. I might have hurt a muscle in the backside of my knee but after massaging it with some menthol last night I don’t feel anything. I have an 8km run tonight and I’m still debating if I should put it off or not…I don’t want to…

I did 21 pushups yesterday (on my knees, but that doesn’t make it any less awesome!). My arms were jello by the end of it. By the end of this diet bet I want to be able to do one pull up. That has be my goal for like two years now. My arms are so weak! But I have been getting stronger! I can do it right? I have 120 days to work on it! >=) Also I did the plank for 1 min yesterday! Go me!


Nutrition (Monday – Day 64)

  • Breakfast: Warm Quinoa Cereal, Coffee with unsweetened almond milk
  • Lunch: Rice, Potato Wedges, Ground Chicken with Edamame and soup (I don’t know what exactly the people who plan the school lunch menu were thinking, It was such a random combination...)
  • Dinner: Salmon, Sweet Potato, and Broccoli with Avocado and tomato salad with salsa
  • Snack: 100 g strawberries, celery with peanut butter, Protein shake

Sleep: 8 hours

Water: 3.5 Liters

Exercise: 7.01 km (7:14/km);