Today I went to my local organic food store to stock up on my larabars and EPIC bars(please try if you're gluten/sugar/dairy/soy free mm mm mm make great snacks to get you to your next meal or great for after a work out and a sugary protein shake doesn't sound good).

I love walking around the aisles and discovering new things. Today I discovered ZEVIA, i'm trying the Cola clear version... i'm always trying to find good substitutes for my Diet Coke addiction, water normally satisfies me and lacrouix usually takes the edge off when I need bubbles but when I see a healthier version of an old favorite I need to try it. I've just taken my first couple sips and here is what I think, it really doesn't taste like a typical cola, I taste, for some reason, ginger, molasis, and hints of what remindes me of what a room smells like after you vaccume (makes no sense I know i'm sorry),  it's tasty and i'm happy I got a 6 pack and I can't wait to try the other varietys but I don't think this will be able to take the place of my weekly McDonalds large diet coke order. Overall my opinion is this is a great find and I encourage other deprived soda lovers to give it a try. But keep drinking your water!!!! 

My tip for motivation to keep drinking water is buy yourself a new water bottle when you start getting bored with it. Water bottles now can be so expensive that they make really create 10lb and 25lb weight lose goal rewards! My new one looks like the swell bottles i've been drooling over except it was only $12, instead of $40, from Marshalls! Woop woop! And it was my 10lb weight loss reward for January WOOP WOOP! 

Back to my organic food store, I also discovered packaged kale chips, i didn't purchase though because of the ingrediants. Someone explain to me how a kale chip can be a healthier option to a frito or a lays potato chip of the ingrediants are "Potato flour, Potato powder" and then at the bottom the ingrediant of Kale was listed.. I guess for anyone to really successfully answer that question would need the whole nutritional chart. 


Stay tuned to find what I discover next week at my local organic food store.. hopefully it'll be a GOOD substitue for cheetos, oh man those get me everytime.