For over thirty years fasting has been a part of my life. It is the way I respond to illness - mental and physical. When sick, I simply refrain from food, and drink a copious amount of water, for a few days or more. I'm then reminded of how animals in the wild will refrain from food when sick, in order to allow all their bodies wonderful energy to be put toward healing.

My routine is one fasting day a week, three consecutive days a month and fourteen to fourty days four times a year, at the change of seasons.

I skipped 2015- 5/2017 and gained 60 pounds and a general state of unwell. Started back June of 2017 and by the end of September, have already lost over 33 pounds and added more zest to my life! While fasting I will have a couple cups of coffee (medical reasons) and pure fresh water. That is what works for me. Over the years I tried most all the combinations of juice etc, and found that it did not contribute in any positive way, and actually slowed down the results.

Fasting is not always easy.  You may have moments of nausea, light headedness, lethargy - but push through, they do not last. Your body is eating through fat reserves, and that fat holds toxicity that your body has tried to bury and get rid of. As the fat goes through your bloodstream on its way out, you may not always feel great. There will be unbelievable cravings that are temporary (promise).  Trust me, all this passes in a short time. You will come out the other side clean and toxic free!

I suggest that everyone who wishes to detox and reach another level of total health to try fasting. Every person who tries this way of life should read any positive fasting information they can find. There are several good books, documentaries, YouTube posts and internet information. Try to avoid the negative and only fill your mind with positive fasting information. I will read a little every day of my fast to remind myself all the good I'm doing for my body and love of life.

Fasting is my Holy Grail. It constantly and consistently works and every fast is a new opportunity to gain health and to turn back the clock on aging. I often tell others that dieting is hard, fasting is easy. There is a reason die is in the word dieting. While fasting you have more time and energy to your day. No more thinking about food, preparing or buying food, eating and cleaning up from the food only to do it again and again all day long. Simply take food out of your day and you will have more minutes to live the wonderful life fasting will bring.

Recent research suggests that our bodies have a "set point" - a weight that you will return to again and again.  Even if you lose weight, your body will optimize the food you eat after to utilize the fat to return you to that set point.  The only way to reset that set point is by fasting.  If this is true it would go a long way to explain why diets fail. Fasting will reset that magic number you keep returning to and offer you an entire new set point that you set, you control - you earn!

One more thing I've noticed by fasting is a renewed feeling of eating only healthy, life lifting whole and raw foods in between fasting times.  There is less temptation to pollute your body and undo the hard work.  Fasting becomes generally easier the more you do it.  As you have less toxic waste breaking down and circulating in your blood stream, such as during repeated fasts, the less likely you feel like coating and layering your body with more toxic waste.  I believe it is those toxins we have layered and coating our vital organs that lead to illness such as heart disease, cancer, dementia and various diseases.  

Just of note, the longer fasts hold the crown-jewel of fasting rewards.  Per usual, the first three days of any fast are usually the hardest from a craving perspective.  Your body is using up your glycogen reserves and it usually takes three days to do this and then your body switches to fat for fuel.  Your body will not use lean muscle until your fat reserves are nearly depleted.  Therefore, long term fasting is the one that does the "heavy lifting".  I rejoice every day after the first three for the wonderful Pac Man eating my body does on that old toxic fat!  Try to work your way up to a longer fast, if possible.  

Please note that this blog is my own personal fasting journey.  I have no expertise and have gained any of my knowledge from constantly searching the newest research and from a lifetime of fasting experience (over 30 years).  I encourage you to explore and adapt your own fasting journey.  Check with your health care professional, especially if you are already undergoing treatment for a condition &/or disease. You can still fast, only adjustments may have to be made.  Keep in mind, fasting is radical (so is a heart attack, diabetes, etc.).  Others will try and discourage you and fear for you.  People generally dislike what they don't understand.  I, for one, want RADICAL amazing results in my health journey!  It is that important.  Passive is what got us fat, sick, cancer ridden and dead.  With fasting, no special equipment is required, no weird foods, weighing and counting anything or pills. Exercise is optional but you will feel better doing some.  Once you are at your weight, exercise and a new eating lifestyle will be your next phase - along with some intermittent fasting. All that is needed to begin fasting is you and some fresh, pure life giving water.  Good health and happy fasting to you!

Please feel free to ask me about my fasting journey.  I’m always happy to share my experience and what I’ve learned.

Below of few sources of information that comes readily to mind. There are many more and I will try and add more later.

Good Info To Start:

The Miracle of Fasting - Proven Throughout History by Bragg (one of my go-to books that I read and reread)

The Obesity Code: Unlocking the Secrets to Weight Loss by Fung (new science)

Eat Fast and Live Longer a BBC Documentary (can watch on YouTube and/or streaming)

The Complete Guide to Fasting by Fung and Moore