Andrea J.

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01/01/2024 10:19AM in Make the New Year Magic Transformer - $10,000 in prizes!
Happy New year Everyone!! The last two years i have been super unhealthy, postpartum life of my 3rd baby was not the easiest. But here I am determined to loose these extra unhealthy 60 lbs in 2024. It will bot be easy but I am hopeful that I will find a village here.
Any workout / diet programs anybody is following, that you have tried and it has helped or that you really enjoy? Anybody who would like to be virtual workout bodies?

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Andrea J.

Same here. Struggling with post pregnancy weight with my 3rd now 2 years old. I love les mills on demand for work outs. Nutrition is definitely what I need to work on most.


I don't have a diet program exactly, but I find that the Harvard Healthy Eating Plate is a great guideline:

Basically, if half my plate is vegetables and a quarter is whole grains, then it's unlikely that whatever fills the last quarter of my plate is going to result in my overeating. (I also eat a lot of beans, as I wrote about in an earlier post -- so filling and delicious!). I'm not much of a snacker, but when I do snack it tends to be fruit, carrots, celery, or a small handful of nuts.

The book Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy put out by the Harvard Medical School researched evidence to guide our eating and exercise and isn't trying to sell a fad/quick fix/diet-cult thinking. I listened to the audiobook on my walks a few years back and really enjoyed and benefitted from it.