Weight Loss for Runners

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04/30/2020 4:52PM
So I am preparing to run my 6th half marathon after taking two years off running and unfortunately putting back on some weight. Feeling out of shape. Anyone else have some running goals?

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I didn't take time off from running, but I similarly gained weight which significantly slowed me down in my running. I have run the same half marathon every year for the last five years until it was postponed for this year, so now I have to wait until September to run it. My goal is to achieve the pace I had for my very first, and fastest, half-marathon of 2 hours 18 minutes and 6 seconds. I had hoped to do a sub 2 hour half marathon after that, but the next year it was miserable weather, then the year after I was post-injury, and then the weight crept on. If I could get back to 2:18:06 and then work my way down, I would be thrilled! :D

Rob B.

I was (and still am) signed up for the London Marathon. Originally scheduled for April, now postponed until October - fingers crossed! I did my best HM time back in March in 2h:12.