New to DietBet?

21,531 members $2,600,029.48 won 62,750.9 lbs


02/13/2018 7:45AM
One week in to my first DietBet. I entered a huge group with a pot of over $313,000 (not a transformer but the other one). I need to lose 4% of my weight in a month. Can anyone tell me how the payout works? I read it is an average of 1.5% to 2% of your buy in but I dont see an explanation of how it is figured out.

Referee Maureen likes this comment.

Referee Maureen

Hi Kris, welcome! As long as you reach your goal weight you will split the pot with the other winners. DietBet’s fee is 10-25% of the payout, depending on the amount of the initial bet and the rest of the pot is dispersed to everyone that reached their goal weight at the end of the game. There is no way to calculate what the winnings will be before the game ends because the pot will continue to grow as new players join and the number of winners is undetermined.