Healthy Eating Tips

2,241 members $613,492.54 won 11,003.1 lbs

Leontine M.

10/07/2019 6:27PM
  • Hey guys! Hoolā! Ciau !
    I have struggled with extra fat for such a long time. I have personal trainer, and very supportive friends, yet no matter how much of abs i do, they get more stronger, but under the fat. I got so frustrated, i get some results on my chests, shoulder, back, but belly was stuck. My trainer Paul introduced me to this Keto diet planning and tips. Honestly I LOVE IT ! Only thing that did a difference for me, but i guess, the results differs on person itself. I bought this one, it is realtively cheap and with AmazinG info to apply. shared it with my family, not everyone is on healthy page. Jeaaay. I soo much like that here at least all the info is combined and so well given !

    I love this community and support guys, if anyone want to consider this as an option, feel free to check it out -

    Please guys, keep the thumbs up for my GOALS ! One love, lets rip some weight off.

mark w.

09/19/2019 8:57PM


08/26/2019 8:39AM
I would love this site to be active! So, I'm posting, in hopes that it will become more recent. I've been making a stir-fry of greens (mixed bag of kale, cabbage etc...) and then I add already baked tofu. So far, with the soy sauce- it makes it really good & satisfying. It's a substantial amount too.

anon-82db783a-43aa-46e2-b4c4-e7792f1c1af4@5218d87b-c19f-4459-918a-09bfc263e563.anon likes this comment.


Me too! Looking for help where I can find it.


04/09/2018 8:08AM
Love all the great ideas! I recently found an amazibg salad at the deli section of a local grocery store. It is Kale, cranberries and orange vinegret. Saves so much time and just make a habit of having in my fridge like a staple food.

Chalaa likes this comment.

Coach J.

02/22/2018 2:57PM
  • Hi guys! I don't know about you, but I love milkshakes so much that I had to find a healthy way to be able to enjoy them every day. Here's what I came up with:

    1/2 avocado
    1 banana
    1 cup of milk
    1-2 scoops of protein powder
    2 tbsp cacao
    1 tbsp cinnamon
    + blended w/a few ice cubes

    You can find recipes like this on my very first Kickstarter here: or on my Instagram @healthyreimagined!

    What's a typically unhealthy meal that you've recreated?!

Eva Maria, Chalaa and Lovey like this photo.


That looks so delicious! I do something similar, but leave out the avo, use frozen bananas and almond milk & no ice. It is sooo good!

She Ran Herself FIT

02/07/2018 10:25AM
  • Hey there. I am hosting a DietBet and I want you all to join. My last DietBet paid out $61.25 last month. The name of my next DietBet is "Commit To Being FIT! with SRHF" (She Ran Herself FIT!) and it starts Feb. 12th. I would love for you all to join me on this quest to lose another 4%. -or-

    Also...I have a fitness line of clothing. Please go check me out at and follow me on IG @SheRanHerselfFIT

WWGirl and anon-fe075e7c-893e-4c4f-863d-eceba648f404@de376738-cf0b-495b-8d9a-ab1b65439e4e.anon like this photo.


01/12/2018 9:50PM
Go here and sign up!! Its easy you bet $25 that you can lose 4% in 4 weeks. If you do...100% refund plus if others dont hit their goal their money goes in a prize pot to be split! PLUS I have amazon gift cards for extra prizes!!

Nassir yashin S.

12/10/2017 8:17AM
This Nasir I want to diebet parson which fruits to ea

Leslie D.

12/07/2017 8:55PM
  • This is me 24 pounds heavier in August. Please join me in this $10 dietbet & find out my weight loss journey
    I look forward to supporting you all.


11/06/2017 12:20PM
Thanksgiving is a time to let loose and enjoy those holiday sweets, the big dinners and of course LEFTOVERS!!! Then, more holiday sweets right up until the New Year comes and so do the weight loss resolutions! Why not kick start that food baby you gained and get rid of that 4% before Christmas Day! This challenge starts right after Thanksgiving and ends so that you can give yourself the gift of a healthier you, some extra cash and a chance at my holiday prizes!!!! Come join my game and my crew! A positive and supportive group with a smaller community of people that actively post and your comments don't get lost in the mix! Share with your friends and sign up today so you can enjoy Thanksgiving knowing you have a plan already set into motion!