100 Pound Count Down

2,673 members $899,437.34 won 28,122.9 lbs


11/09/2018 1:57PM
It has been awhile since I have done a DietBet, but I was on the site looking for some before and after pictures to post for my friends. As of this morning I have lost 140.6 lbs since my first DietBet in June of 2014. This was a special milestone for me since I will be doing my first Ironman next week in Arizona where I will be swimming, biking, running 140.6 miles. It has been a long journey with ups and downs, but having a place like DietBet to be accountable to so many other people that face the same struggles I do really helped. Congrats to you all for focusing on your health and doing something to make your life better.

ScottT, Kathleen S., Liesl, Carrie P. and ReneeB like this comment.