Myfitnesspal Devotees

2,328 members $790,850.38 won 10,213.1 lbs

Angela B.

05/24/2018 2:57AM
Hello everyone, this is my 2nd attempt at DietBet, I tried a Kickstarter before, but was probably too far into my weight loss to have full success with it as the rate of loss was too aggressive for me, so this time I am trying out a Transformer.

I have lost around 40lbs with My Fitness Pal already and have around another 35 to go to my initial goal.

I am very active on MyFitnessPal, I have a 508 day streak as of this morning, I regularly write on their forum and have authored a Most Helpful Post and a number of other useful info-graphics that are regularly shared. If anyone wants to add me my username is Tinkerbellang83

I run a Weekly Weigh In Group (running since Jan 2017) there with monthly reports and tips/chat threads and a C25K group new members are always welcome.

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