... and time has a way of changing things” - Big Mama, The Fox and the Hound


Hi everyone,
long time no see. :) After I won my last dietbet last thursday, I felt somewhat exhausted and couldn't find the time and energy to write an update.

My week-end was tough. I had friends over at my house on friday and saturday and did not pay too much attention what I ate. Well, I kinda did, but not all were good choices. There were sandwiches, Pringles, Haribo and Snyder's Pretzel pieces. I felt like I "needed a break" from dieting after 9 weeks where I was really strict to myself. I did exercise a lot though. While my knee keeps bugging me a bit, I switched from running to the exercise bike and some fitness training.
I really expected this last week to be the first one where I'd gain weight. However, I still managed to lose 0.2kg. This isn't a lot, but a lot more than expected, and it gives me a reasonable chance to win Jen W.'s dietbet. 7 days left and 0.8kg left to lose. That's totally doable. Especially because I feel extremely vigorous again. I really needed this "week off".

Why todays quote? Because this week made me realize, that I don't want this change to be just a "phase" which ends with my last dietbet. I don't want to yo-yo anymore. I've done this too many times now. I want this change forever. Of course, life will throw you curve-balls once in a while, and "forever is a long long time, and time has a way of changing things". But knowing that I can still compensate bad food choices "once in a while", if I am otherwise persistent is a great feeling.

So, let's do this together! I'm ready to rise and shine again. :)