Good enough!

Kimberly G.

06/03/2015 5:16PM
Omg I am literally teary-eyed after reading this. There is so much hope and positivity in this post. That last victory really got to me though. Why can't we just own our successes? We are damn awesome! What makes it so hard for us to see that? After years of talking down to ourselves I knew it was going to take some serious work but I think I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. For the first time in the 10+ years I have tried to lose weight I am holding myself to the promise I made. I am actually going through with the promise I made to myself. More than the weight coming off that is my biggest accomplishment thus far. You are amazing. I am amazing. We are all amazing. This is hard, yes. But what makes us amazing, what makes us different is that even with that knowledge we are going to try. We are going to bust our asses and get it done. Yeah we are going to have set backs. We knew it was going to be hard. But. BUT. We got back up. High five girl. HIGH FIVE!

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Thank you!! You know, the older I get, the more truth I see in how women are beat down. I'm not trying to get into like a feminist rant or anything, but when I was younger I didn't feel like the way I felt about myself was a societal affect-- I mean, I thought my low self-esteem was because I esteemed myself poorly, you know? But the older I get, I'm 32, the more I'm really starting to appreciate how cruel society is. We cannot praise a woman without tearing another one down, we cannot let girls feel pride in their bodies or accomplishments. I mean, I've always had a guilt complex about success-- like any success I have isn't real success, and I'm starting to think this is just a generally feminine trait. All that is just to say, EFF EVERYBODY. We work hard. It's ok to admit it. We work hard, we're going places, and we can be proud. I'm over pride being sinful. Let's make t-shirts!! But maybe carefully worded so as not to step on the LBGT movement's toes, lol!

Kimberly G.

LMAO, agreed. :)

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