Apparently I must have eaten WAY too much on Sunday night, because my weight on Tuesday morning was 2.5 lbs lighter than it was on Monday morning. ~_~ Honestly, that makes me a little worried that they might audit me. But, I have nothing to hide so I'm sure it'll be fine. Also, it's not like my rate of weight loss will continue at that pace.

Yesterday I burned 1505 calories and consumed 1700, according to I did roughly 2 hours of walking, 20 minutes of biking (to the bus station), and 75 minutes of martial arts. So I feel like I did pretty well.

Today I've only burned about 500 calories because it's not a martial arts night. But I'm still planning to go jogging for about 35 minutes later tonight. And I've eaten 1845 calories. I didn't do as well with controlling my food today because I ate dinner at a restaurant that doesn't tell the diners how many calories are in each meal. That said, 1845 still isn't bad. 

I'm looking forward to my next weigh-in tomorrow morning. If I'm still doing well by next Tuesday, I might buy some weigh-in tokens...maybe...if I feel like gambling away another $20.00.

EDIT: I went for my run...and I fell at the half-way mark. Apparently, my fall was so horrific to watch, that a nearby car slowed down and asked me if I was okay and if I needed any help. >_> For the record, I'm fine. I scraped up my hand pretty badly, but I don't really need my hands to jog. As I was falling, the only thing I was thinking was, "Don't hit that hydrant with your head!" I didn't. All is well. And I have completed my run.

Current Weight: 174.5

Starting 3k Completion Pace: 47 minutes

Current 3k Completion Pace: 38.2 minutes

Time Until Wedding: 6 months minus 1 day