I haven't blogged about my weight-loss at all in the past three days. Not surprisingly, my weight loss has slowed down and even reversed a little. The excitement and enthusiasm I had in the first week has completely drained away.

And...honestly, I blame P90X3 for that. Paul has me doing P90X3 with him and I *hate* it. I absolutely, 100% hate doing it. It's not that the exercises themselves are bad; they just aren't the sort of thing that I want or like to do. I enjoy jogging, walking, biking, and martial arts -- you know, the sorts of exercises that get me OUT of my house. P90X3 makes me stay IN my house. P90X3 makes me get sweaty in my house. I despise being sweaty in my house!

You see, I haven't stopped doing my other exercises in favor of P90X3. But because I have to do the stupid indoor exercise stuff after I've finished my normal exercising, it takes away from my usual "Reward and Relaxation" time after my exercising. I love to go jogging or biking, come home, and reward myself with a long shower and some nice snuggle time on the couch with my man. But obviously there's no point in showering after a bike ride if I'm just going to do P90X3 two hours later. And we do the video exercises so late at night that after we finish, I no longer have time for a long shower -- let alone have time for snuggling. 

It's all putting me into a very bad mood. But I feel obligated to continue because he wants to do it and he wants me to do it with him. (And, of course, I said I would.)

As a result of all this, I've fallen back onto bad habits to reward myself. Yesterday I indulged in a Payday candy bar (which are NOT low in calories), AND I went out to eat Indian food (also not low in calories.) Two days ago I was down to 169.9 lbs. But thanks to my discontent and my reactions to my discontent, I'm back up to 172.2. 



Current Weight: 172.2

Starting 3k Completion Pace: 47 minutes

Current 3k Completion Pace: 37.38 minutes

P90X3 Workouts Completed: 2

Time Until Wedding: 6 months minus 9 days