I have nothing actually relevant to this whole healthy lifestyle thing we have going on here at dietbet. I ended up taking today off from my workouts. I'm not completely sure why precisely. My back has been getting quit sore at night though, so I think my body just told me to rest! I listned and had a relaxing day. I didn't lie in the title though, I just have cats to talk about. 

A cat came to visit. I live in an apartment complex, but have a rather decently sized backyard area that's walled off and next to the other backyards of apartments around me. I don't know where this cat came from, but since it's been the first decent day in weeks I had the sliding door open for some fresh air. I was calmly reading with my orangey yoga cat who you saw yesterday when I started hearing meows. We get up to investigate. My girl cat who growls at all delivery men, the trash truck, and even my boyfriend at times when he unlocks the front door was a giant angry poof! My grey cat was doing is wallowing, said moaning meow. They were so upset because of a petite grey and white cat outside the screen door howling to be let in like he lives here! Then, my big orangey yoga cat who believes in being friends with everyone went around sniffing the other three cats. I imagine he was saying things like, "Why are you so angry? Why are you moaning like that?  Who are you and why are you outside?" and then looking to me as if to say "Can I go outside too?"   

Sigh. Poor cat. He's still here. We shall see what happens. My cats are less upset now at least, but they are keeping a close vigil on the backyard area and this weird persistent visitor. :-/

I have a birthday party to go to this weekend in San Diego! A bit of traveling ahead of me. I will aim to keep some activity in my days, even if I don't get full workouts in!