Round 1 - Day 5


08/19/2014 10:46AM
Were the weigh-ins back to back, or spread out over the day?

If I'm hydrating really good, and then working out hard, I can see a 5-8 pound change in water weight over the course of the day. You can cut salt, if your salt intake isn't already restricted, and that will help stabilize water weight fluctuations.

Also, weigh in first thing in the morning, after you go to the bathroom, but before you eat or drink anything to get the most consistent readings.

If you have a binge day and drink a lot of alcohol and eat a bunch of sugary and starchy food, your weight could jump up 9 pounds; mostly water and undigested crap. Over two to three days your weight will go back down, as long as you clean up your act.

If the readings were back to back, though, could be a problematic piece of technology you have there...

(Back when I was using an analog scale, I always made three weigh-ins and averaged them because it was so inconsistent.)

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+68.8 lbs



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