I feel like I am hitting my stride with all the weight loss efforts I have been putting forth. I started using an herbal supplement called Skinny Fiber, hired my daughter-in-law as a personal coach, re-entered the DietBet world, and took a Bible study course called 'Craving God, Not Food'. So with all these things, the weight is continuing to come off, despite setbacks and failures from time to time.

My next thing I am going to pay attention to is this: in my point of greatest failure, turning to food rather than God for calming and comfort before bed, am I making progress? So I am going to go back in my records and note on a graph the incidents that I can perceive via food records. Then I will begin to chart the # of incidences, and perhaps do a little more 'inside work' to find out why these sabotaging events come to pass.

Weight loss is a journey I've taken a few too many times. I want to learn, learn, learn all that I can so that perhaps this is my LAST time going down these pounds. I have hope. Health, spiritual, emotional and physical, is important and worth the effort!

And by the way, if you want to learn more about or buy SkinnyFiber, please buy it from me! I can give you a link so that I will get credit for your purchase.