Well, my second Diet Bet 4 is officially over. I'm now 2 for 2! But I know there will probably come the day where I won't be able to lose the entire 4% required to *win*. I have to say that while I enjoy getting back more than I put in, I sure feel guilty that I'm getting it at the expense of those who did not make their 4% goal. Even though I realize it's a risk that we all take when we start these things. As I've said before, as long as these Diet Bet help me to go in the right direction, I consider it money well spent.

Let's face it. Losing weight is hard! If it were easy, there wouldn't be a need for this web site! We'd all be the weight we'd like to be. But that durn food gets in the way! The food that is high in fat and sugar and calories just calls my name. And once I give in, it's like the floodgates are open. I feel unable to stop myself. t's so easy to eat a bunch of calories, but working it off is another matter. I actually am quiet active. I can just so easily eat more than I burn off. Especially when I allow myself to eat whatever and when ever I want.

I've struggled to lose this weight for the past three years. I've been gaining and losing the same 10 pounds over and over again. I've not been able to get this far on my own. Fortunately, these Diet Bets have given me the extra incentive and motivation that I've needed.

What I want to say is to those of you who did not make your 4% is that we are all still winners. The money  back is just gravy. The real win is the fact that we are doing something to try to get our weight under control and to get healthy. As long as we're learning lessons from our mistakes, getting back up after a fall, refusing to stay with the status quo and doing what we need to do to get healthy, then we are all on the right track and are all winners!