Does a walk in the produce department count?

Sheryl J.

01/02/2016 1:13PM
I used store walking as well. 3 time around my grocery stores equalled a mile! And I increased my steps by reorganizing around the house making sure I did lots of stairs. I increased my walking the neighborhood , I hit my 55th birthday and joined a seniors exercise group through our community center. Listening to upbeat music helped me dance my way through 10 or 15 minutes around the house. I do have to admit I am in hibernation mode right now due to lack of sunshine but the sun was out today and while it was 39 degrees I enjoyed the walk. This is my last month of Dietbet and I only have to maintain. I cut back on treats during the holidays. I fell off the exercise wagon with my senior group so I need to get back to that to make this last weigh in. I might have to join a short term bet to stay on track. Good luck! Get well.

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