DAY 15 - My scale was acting kinda erratic today, so I wasn't able to find out how much I weigh today. When the scale said I weigh 190 pounds, I knew something was wrong because I'm no where close to it!!! LOL!!! I Either I'm gonna have to change the battery or buy a new scale. I'll see what happens after the battery is replaced. :-)

I decided to switch things up a bit: instead of eating 5 bites of something for lunch, I made a vanilla smoothie shake instead. I felt like I was drinking a milk shake!!! It was delicious!!! Today I just added water, but tomorrow, I'm gonna add some strawberries and pineapples to it. OOOO!!! YUMMY!!!

I didn't eat anything special for dinner. I wanted eggs with cheese, so I had it. I had planned on eating 3 bites of meatloaf and 2 spoons of mashed potatoes, but my craving to eat it dissipated, so maybe I'll make it tomorrow. Maybe......

Overall, today has been a good day. Right now, I'm drinking a cup of Dandelion root tea. KITCHEN IS CLOSED!!! :-)

Hope you all have a wonderful evening!!! :-)