Day 3 today.  I feel pretty good, I don't feel deprived or anything.  My Mom and I took the dogs to Highlands Hammock State Park yesterday and Gator and I did the 3.27+ mile loop and a bit and some other for a total of over 5 miles.  It was 83 F and I wasn't planning on walking that far so I was not dressed appropriately.  Next time it's: shorts, tshirt, running shoes and lots of water.  In any case, it was nice to get out and get fresh air rather than on the treadmill.

Foodwise, I'm watching those old calories.  I had salad last night which is not a good thing in my diet because of the warfarin, but oh well.  I guess I'll find out how much harm salads are doing at my weekly blood draw.  I'm trying to cut back the carbs and salads seemed like a good way to do some of that.  I made some low carb/high protein bread and had a (VERY) small piece last night.  Oh my gosh, that bread is so heavy.  Good, but heavy.  I think I like plain old homemade ciabatta bread better.  The recipe I use takes no oil or sugar and is low in calories.  But, bread is something I need to stay away from more because I really like it.  Another staple of my diet over the last year is LAUGHING COW light spreadable cheese.  In the "cheese" category I think it's pushing it to call it cheese, but it really is good and low in calories.  It works as both a butter and a cheese.

I still can't believe that pot on one of my games is still climbing.  I don't know how much longer they are going to allow people to sign up.  I think it's like $115,000 now.  That is all a bit misleading because there are also a LOT of people that have signed up so you are still unlikely to clear much money unless a large majority of the people don't succeed.  And, that would be a shame for them.  But, who knows, everybody might be super motivated.  I found out that the Marcie (another game) does have a regular schedule of games, so when this one is finished I will definitely find one of hers.  I really like her and she genuinely seems to care about her players.  I'll bet when the final numbers are drawn up that she has a higher success rate of actual weight losses.  The last of my 3 games doesn't seem to have any organizer, or nobody that I can see that has stepped forward.  It doesn't seem anybody participates much with each other, either.  But, then again it could have been a group of friends and they are all interacting with each other, but not on the "board".

In the meantime, I have my old friends (Kathyhas1b1g) and my new friends (Carol and Kathy) and they are really helping me along.  And, of course lots of guidance from Marcie.  Carol has this great idea about steps to and up places for a challenge.  For instance, how many steps up Big Ben, etc.  We are using this on the treadmill at the incline for a calorie burn.  My old friend, (Kathyhas1b1g) just started a new group called Over 50 and fat.  I love that!  She has such a sense of humor.  Poor girl has been stuck inside not able to work because of a snow day.

Okay, so I have blabbered on long enough.  It's Day 3 and I lost another pound, but I'm sure it won't stay that way as the days go by, the weight loss will start getting harder so I have to make sure that my resolve is there and my willpower is strong.  Keep those brownies away from me! :)

Everybody stay strong and hang in there and know you CAN do it.  If you can do it 3 days, you can do it 30, and then on and on till you reach the goal you want to be.  Denise