Okay, so the scales are NOT my friend.  How in the world can you gain 2 pounds in one day when you were still under the 1200 calories?  Okay, so I'm not going to dwell on it, but did I eat too much salt?  Too much carbohydrate?  Not enough water?  Who knows, but this does show the problem with weighing every day.  Reading what other people have written it's obvious that a lot of us are weighing every day so that we are keeping an eye (on our weight) to make sure we meet our set goal by the end of the challenge.  NOT A GOOD THING.  In one way, I understand because I have been doing the same thing.  Keep an eye on it and make changes as needed.  But, honestly weighing every day is very self destructive.  Most people have some variance that really isn't more "fat" but simply more water, etc etc.  So, weighing once a week should be more than enough.  So, for ME it's back to once a week.  As long as I am staying on the 1200 calories and getting the exercise, I know I will lose.  Now the last week before the weigh in I might be a bit more paranoid and weigh more, but right now we have 18 more days on this challenge and it is just silly to obsess about it.  Stick with the plan, it will work.  If you are staying on the 1200 or whatever is relevent for your situation AND getting exercise and still don't lose or in fact gain over the 4 weeks, then perhaps you should see your doctor.  Maybe there is something wrong.

So, I said this yesterday...more water for me, less salt (well maybe I didn't say less salt yesterday).  I will stick with the 1200 calories.  And, I will try to get some exercise today.  I've been doing really good on the exercise until I felt like I was having a "flare" a couple of days ago.  So, I'm trying to work around that.  Anybody that has any autoimmune diseases (or any other chronic disease) will know that sometimes you just can't do much.  If you do, then you can push yourself into a full blown flare that requires prednisone.  And, I have said this many times, prednisone is my best friend and my worst enemy.  So, I don't like to take it.  Period, end of story, don't like to take it.  So, I am doing everything at the moment to prevent that.  And, if that means laying back on the heavy exercise for a couple of days, then I'm going to do that.  In this case, it's not being lazy, it's being smart.  Bottom line is PREDNISONE MAKES YOU GAIN WEIGHT.  I don't care what the "experts" say that it really doesn't or whatever, obviously they have never taken it on a long term basis.  Not only does it seem to make you retain water, but worse is that it makes you hungry.  I mean HUNGRY and usually for things like SUGAR.  Therefore, the best solution if you can, is to stay off of it.  However, for many people that is just not possible.  We aren't talking about a 5 day "pack" that you take when you get a cold, we are talking high doses, long term.  Not good, but some people have no choice. 

But, hey let's just move forward and not blame ANYTHING.  Stay on course with the calories and stay with the exercise program.  Calories in/calories out.  Inhale/Exhale. :)

We still have 18 more days.   I can do it, my friends can do it, we ALL can do it.

Later, Denise