I am at the point in this challenge that I'm getting tired of being good ALL THE TIME.  Hence, my excuse for eating a piece of bacon, actually TWO.  Don't know how much that's going to effect my weigh-in tomorrow for the 6 month Transformer, but I guess we will see.  Not only did I eat the bacon, but I did NOT go to the gym this morning.  I'm just having a "blah day".  I think everyone has one of those occasionally.

What I NEEDED to do was get up early to walk the dogs, but it was cold (52) and foggy, so that was off.  Of course I WAS up early since I am a chronic insomniac, so that was at least one thing I did do today, right?  I hope to walk the dogs later.  I also had in mind to go to the gym, but see paragraph 1 for that one.  Promise to go to the gym tomorrow, though.  Where I DID go was the grocery store.  Not a good idea when you are having a "blah" day.  No, we didn't really buy a lot of junk stuff at all, but that is where I bought the exhibit A "THE BACON".  It was on sale and I could hear it calling my name.  It's not like I'm a big bacon eater at any time, so I'm not sure why it was calling my name.  I bought broccoli and other veggies and I didn't hear THEM calling my name, so go figure.

We had to have 25 people in our Transformer group (Fitness Warriors 2) , apparently to get "on the board".  So, now we do and I'm hoping we pick up people quickly.  Julie (the leader) is a super nice person and I signed up for her Transformer AND her Kickstarter.  And, of course, I signed up for a kickstarter mid-March with Marcie because she also is awesome.  This month I am in a HUGE group with Jen, but there are so many people it just doesn't have the personal touch that the other ones do, although Jen has some really good advice and motivating suggestions.

Back to the devil bacon, I cooked up the whole packet, my Mom and I do that and then we take it out as needed.  We learned that when the 3 (unheard of for 50 years) hurricanes came across Central Florida and we had no power for weeks and had only bacon that we could salvage from the freezer before everything was ruined.  Bacon didn't have to be refrigerated and we ate bacon for about 2 weeks.  Anyway, we cooked it all up, so we kind of got in a habit to cook an entire packet at a time and then use it from the bag.

I have shoved a piece of gum in my mouth and hopefully that will keep me busy.  Weigh in tomorrow.  UGH.

Later, Denise