Has winter left you feeling run-down, depleted, and in a funk that you can’t seem to shake? Wouldn’t it be great to flip a switch and feel renewed and refreshed just in time for spring/summer?

Does any of the following sound familiar…?

  • You want to forget that belly bloat ever existed and enjoy your new slimmer tummy (compliments of a happy digestive system)
  • You want to melt away 5-10 pounds of toxic inflammation from your body and finally, feel healthier
  • You want to recharge your body, mind, and spirit while reclaiming your health this season
  • You’re ready to reclaim your energy
  • You’re ready to kick the unyielding sugar addiction that controls your every move
  • You want to discover the root of why you feel tired, have unwanted weight gain, struggle with zero motivation, suffer from horrible mood swings and always crave unhealthy food
  • You’re ready to explore which foods help you thrive in your body, and gain motivation to say “NO” to the food that doesn’t work for your unique system
  • You’re eager to learn how to support your body so that you can live a fuller, healthier life


Why should I Detox?

It’s no secret we live in an extremely toxic world from the food we eat to the products we apply, to the air we breathe – our bodies are flooded with over 700 thousand on a daily basis. At any given moment, tens of thousands of toxins are making their way into the body and wreaking havoc on cells and systems. Without proper detoxification, a buildup of toxins in your body can cause:

  • Unexplained weight gain
  • Exhaustion
  • Stomach pain
  • Gas
  • Bloating
  • Headaches
  • Poor mental state
  • Sore joints
  • Leaky gut
  • Bad breath
  • Mood swings
  • Lack of concentration
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Auto-immune disorders


Can my body eliminate these toxins on its own?

The answer to this question is yes, in moderation, our bodies were designed to detoxify and self-cleanse. However, because there are so many toxins in the world and because most of us don’t fuel our body with the proper nutrition, our bodies cannot cleanse as they were originally designed to. Therefore, our bodies rely on support to renew and restore. Did you know that your gut makes up 70% of your immune system? When harmful bacteria and chemicals damage the lining of your gut, toxins can leak out and travel to other parts of your body, causing undesirable symptoms. Detoxing can rebuild your gut, and cleanse your body naturally.

If you’re wondering what you can do to reverse the impact of not-so-healthy decisions then the answer is to cleanse your body with a whole foods detox program.

You really are what you eat!

One of the main ways toxins enter our bodies is through the food we eat. Take a walk through your grocery store and you’ll realize that 90% of the food on the shelves is genetically modified junk filled with sugar, chemicals, and preservatives – all lacking nutrition. By supporting your body through seasonal detoxes, you’re fueling your body with seasonal bounty, each of which naturally support your body. Put simply – you’re giving your body the nourishment it needs to thrive.

I am offering a FREE 2 week (plus 4 days of prep) Spring Detox program (whole foods - no deprivation!), complete with a Program Guide, suggested meal plans, tons of recipes, and shopping lists in my next game – GET RESULTS 3 – Lose Weight with Marcie!  Participants in that game don’t have to do the detox, I am just offering it for those who want to give it a try and it should help you get to goal. The game begins on 4/7, is a $35 bet and can be found at http://diet.bt/zSc24Y - come join us!