This blog is for my DietBetter Family members who aren't in any of my challenges. Gotta keep my family in the loop!!! LOL!!!

Hi My Beautiful DietBetter Family!!!

I really miss you guys!!! This is my latest episode of unintentionally falling from grace!!! LOL!!!

Every time I seem to be on the right track, something out of the ordinary always messes up my groove. Guess what??? On Wednesday, I flew to SC to spend time with my family, and when I went to the airport yesterday to drop off my car rental, I got bit by something. At first I thought it was a mosquito, but I was sooo wrong!!! When I woke up this morning, my arm was HUGE!!! WTH??? When I saw how big my arm was (& it was itching like crazy too), I went to Urgent Care. The doctor told me that I probably was bitten by a spider. DANG!!! I had to get a steroid injection, and now I have to take 50 mg of Prednisone & antibiotics for 7 days!!! Like Martin Lawrence said in his sitcom: "I'M ABOUT TO BLOW UP!!!" LOL!!! DANG!!! DANG!!! DANG!!! This is really gonna set me back!!! I had my Kickstarter & Round 1 of my Transformer in the bag!!! That DARN PREDNISONE is the DEVIL!!! LOL!!! Nice way to start my vacation, huh??? LOL!!! Oh well.... My health comes first!!! I already know how my body acts with this medicine, & taking 50 mg of Prednisone for a few days: "FORGET ABOUT IT (in an Italian voice)!!!" LOL!!! A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!!! Hopefully, too much damage won't be done. I'm just gonna do what I have to do. If I don't gain too much weight, I'll still have a chance to win my challenges, but I'm not banking on it. I always have a bad experience taking this drug. I'll see what happens..... Please pray for a sista!!! LOL!!!

I hope you all are doing well too!!! SENDING HUGS & LOVE!!! :-)