Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!!!

Heather D.

09/17/2014 7:35AM
i am the opposite lol, i get to work every morning and i weigh myself and i track it like a hawk, obsessively, if it goes up half a pound i tweak my intakes, etc
coming back from a 4 day camping trip and then weighing myself monday morning was like a kick in the gut, ohhhhh my goodness my graph IS a mess! but i love having super accurate tracking so i can look back and see patterns
one of the things i noticed was that i was retaining a ton of water over the weekends and once i got back to work monday and my fluid intake was back on "work" mode, those 2-3lbs would come off by tuesday morning.
this has been one way my OCD has been working FOR me haha

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