For the past 3 years, I've been losing the same 40 pounds!!! LOSING IT JUST TO GAIN IT BACK!!!

Since I joined DietBet in May, 2014, I've lost 31.6 pounds!!! That's a huge accomplishment for me, & I'm sooo proud of myself!!! We have some AMAZING people in our DIETBETTER FAMILY, & because of you all, I'm more focused & determined to lose this weight & keep it off!!! You all keep me accountable for my actions, & I'm sooo grateful for all of your support!!! If I indulge a little, I plan a "treat" meal, & I make sure I don't go overboard & end up cheating all day or turn it into days. I'm making better conscious decisions about what to eat, & I feel good knowing that I'm in control of food; food isn't controlling me!!! :-)

I know I'm gonna slip up & fall again, but PLEASE TRUST & BELIEVE: I'm not going back to the 200s ever again!!! The only way that will happen is if (GOD FORBID) I have a flare-up with Sarcoidosis, & I have to take Prednisone for a long period of time. THAT'S THE ONLY WAY IT'S GONNA HAPPEN!!! I'm not worried about that now either because I'm gonna beat that too!!! I HAVE THE MAKINGS OF A WINNER!!! :-)