The Lows and Highs of My Jog Today


10/08/2014 2:54PM
Why are you comparing yourself ( & beating yourself up) to others?!? Focus on you. Your distance increased first. Then speed. I would encourage you to do speed walking at your higher weights instead of jog/ run. Weight coming down on your knees/ knee damage is no fun. Post surgery at 54 my knees prevent me from so many things I enjoy.

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CHUD Hombre

Yeah, I wasn't really upset or beating myself up. It was just some observations of where I'm at now compared to others. I know my limitations so I'm fine with everything that happened that day. As for my knees, I'm surprised they feel pretty good. I've definitely had knee issues when I was around 330 lbs but ever since I dropped 50 lbs and started doing yoga, my knees haven't been too sore.

Games played


Weight lost

+3.6 lbs



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