They say it takes 28 days to create a habit.

So this challenge time frame is perfect for me.

I know what I have to do. I've done it before. The difference this time is that this is a real lifestyle change, not a diet. I want this habit to stick even when I'm travelling, celebrating, meeting friends, and during holidays. The biggest challenge for me is usually not losing the weight... it's sticking to it when I look 'good enough' and not taking it to the next level.

I am 43 years old and determined not to look frumpy in middle age.

My goals:

  1. To create the best version of me.
  2. To inspire my kids and husband to lead a healthy lifestyle
  3. To be fit enough to enjoy adventurous and active fun activities with the family and to create space for healthy 'me time'.


So here's the plan:

Diet  (This is 80% of success):


  • sugar
  • alcohol
  • white flour/white rice


  • Mostly veggies
  • Fish, beans, lentils, eggs and lean meat
  • brown rice, oats


  • Run/walk 25 km a week (2 long runs and one short run)
  • Yoga 1x per week
  • Boot camp in the park 1x per week
  • Horse riding 2x a week (beginner course)


  • At least 8 hours a night. In bed by 10 to boost energy levels and avoid late night snacking.

What are your secrets to success? Share them with me and let's inspire one another!