I read up on Jessica Simpson's workout plan ever since the photos on instagram and the internet starting circulating. Her legs and body look AWESOME. I didn't have two kids but have a similar amount of weight to lose. Her trainer said she walked 6 miles a day. That's feasible. I have a treadmill (ifit - norditrack incline treadmill). My goal is to do what she did. Walk 6 miles a day. I even got a ifit active band to check me when I am out and about or out of town so it records what I do. I have to hold myself accountable. I fractured my foot running earlier this year (stress fractures and regular fracture where it bends) and I have had a hard time since because of the pain. I hope the walking helps lose the weight and keeps me from injuring myself.

She also did a killer leg work out which I intend to try along with weight lifting like I have done in the past.

I have a gym membership. I have a treadmill in my home. I have the tools needed to succeed. 

I have to stop talking. I have to do. AND everytime I think about sweets or salty snacks...I will remember Jessica Simpsons legs and think...that cookie will not get me there!