I shouldn't be surprised, I ate what little calories I burned off yesterday since i didn't get a workout in, but i still feel a bit of disappointment when the scale doesn't change.

I realize this is my brain being obsessive, and there are those that don't feel one should weigh in daily (i know, you've all given your opinions about it in the past), but it is what works for me. And i know, yes, that it could be worse, i could have gained weight, but if that is the response, i don't think I'm being clear.

I'm not disappointed with my process or journey or whatever, I'm just disappointed with today, this one moment.

Enough so that i have to acknowledge it for what it is. Just one moment.

And attempt to not let it cloud over all the other moments, and all the success i have been having. I need to not let it discourage me, and stick with my plan.

It's Thursday! Project runway season finale on the treadmill! Let's crush it!  I'm THIS close to -20lbs!