16 days. I have been using DB for 16 days, and in that time I have lost as much as 6 pounds. TWICE. And then gone back up to near-starting-weight. TWICE. When I look at the weight chart on my DB profile, it looks like a long, really gradual letter "W"...two nice dipping valleys, with two spikes back up, over the course of the two weeks.

I am trying to understand what this cycle means, and how to break out of it.

I wouldn't be so concerned, were it not for the fact that I have been trapped in pretty much this EXACT spot for the last year or two. Having already lost 35 pounds or so during recent years, I am now only about 25 lbs from goal. And despite many different food plans and strategies, I have been bouncing around the 180's, unable to get below 180.

I am seeing the same pattern here on DB; in fact, this time, I am seeing much more clearly EXACTLY what is happening due to the chart function: I lose several pounds in  just a few days, reaching the low 180s. Then suddenly I spring back up. This seems to repeat every WEEK.

What is it that is precipitating the bounce back up? Usually, it seems to be the result of eating out at a restaurant, even if I order healthy stuff, and do not "overdo" it. All week while I am losing, I am counting my cals accurately, and eating at home.

Then, over the weekend, I eat at a restaurant once or twice. I usally go over my cals, but not horribly so. Either way, I end up basically back where I started, weight-wise.

I am considering many things right now:

--Is weighing in DAILY helpful, or unhelpful? Yes, it is showing my patterns, but it is also making me obsessed and sometimes discouraged.

--Can I avoid restaurants until this challenge is over, or maybe for a month or so, just to give myself a head start busting this plateau?

--Is there some medical reason why my weight stays "stuck"? I do have PCOS...maybe this is hormonal?