Last week I was so excited that I won Round 1. So I did what any normal person would do, I cheated all weekend. Why not? Right after weigh in I had my cheat meal. It tasted like sweet victory. Then dinner came along and I thought sure, why not, I have an entire month to do Round 2. Well, let's just say, a cheat meal is never just a cheat meal. For me, it turned into a cheat week. On top of that, the temperature here has been hitting the freezing mark lately, which I am just not used to AT ALL, living in Louisiana. My body does not enjoy being cold and I get cold easily. Those two issues combined created a week of over-eating and no exercising. 


        Inn the mornings, I do my Daily Burn workouts. When I wake up and it's cold, the very last thing I want to do is get out of my cozy warm bed to exercise. I have tried telling myself that exercising will warm me up, but that inner voice says no every time. I hate being cold. If I do not exercise in the morning, it just does not get done. 


      I was off mentally last motivation was completely gone. Then I realized that these next couple of months are going to be hard....extremely hard. I underestimated the difficulty of losing weight in the winter. As a species, it seems like we are programmed to want to stay in bed and warm up when it's cold. We also want to eat as much as we can. Every winter, I want to eat and sleep all of the time. But, that won't do me any good, so I finally got my head back on straight.



      I started exercising again and I am tracking my food and watching what I eat. One week lost isn't too bad in the grand scheme of a year. I weighed in this morning and I simply maintained, which is pleasingly surprisingly, since I really did eat way more than I should have. I've never been a patient person, but I have finally realized that weight loss is all about patience. There is always time to turn it around. Don't let a bad week make it a bad month. 


    It's 6 a.m. my time and I am up and ready to begin my work-out. Here's to another week of becoming a healthier happier me.