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11/26/2014 11:27AM
I'm right there with you Jen, after my attack of the
"crazy sugar monster" this weekend, ....
I'm so worried about Thanksgiving....I have things planned with healthy foods & treats...
but what if "crazy sugar monster" showed up again.... Am I strong enough to stop her with so many temptations???
This is also my biggest bet & I really don't want to lose it.
I guess we just have to hope we can get thru it & stick to or close to our plan ;)))
We can do it !!!!!!!
I'll be thinking about you ;))) wish me luck & good luck to you in winning this one ;))

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Jen J.

I hear ya! It's so hard to stay on track when everyone around you (at least in my family) is chowing down on crazy high caloric food and drinks!! I'm going to work out tonight AND tomorrow I'm going to go to a 90 minute spin class - so even if I do indulge a bit, at least I'll have burned off some calories! I'll be thinking of you too! Happy Thanksgiving!!

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