So far so good!  It's day 5 of my first dietbet and I'm still hanging in there.  My eating has been on point and I feel very "in the zone".  I love the feeling of "I can do this!".  Optimism overdrive!  Of course, working out has been my biggest issue.  Why, oh why is it so hard for me?  It's day 5 and I've done ONE workout.  Ummmm, that's just sad.  I am taking drastic measures to remedy this situation (cause I know I won't do it without a push!).  I joined gympact.  I have to workout every day or I have to PAY $10 per workout missed.  I guarantee you I won't be missing another workout!  It's only 30 minutes, right?!  Gah!  I worked out yesterday but still have to get in a workout today.  It WILL happen!

In terms of weight loss, I'm already 43% to goal.  I know that's almost all because of water weight, so we'll see what happens from here.  I plan to weigh in again on Wednesday.  I am curious to see what the scale has to say!  And I am already terrified of my second dietbet, which starts in a week.  Losing 4% without the benefit of the water weight might be an impossible goal.  We'll see!  I'm going to give it all I've got regardless.