whole30 day 12


01/14/2015 3:22AM
I am a former teacher and remember those late nights of grading. Keep up the great work and thank you for making a difference! I allow myself an "indulgence" when I hit a specific goal.. By the time I get to my goal, sometimes the craving is gone. Either way, I don't feel guilty. Those indulgences keep me from feeling deprived and keep me on target. Maybe you can have a PB and J when you meet a certain goal. it will satisfy your craving and feel rewarded for reaching your goals.
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I am doing the Whole 30 too. Have you tried almond butter? Some brands are sugar free, no preservatives.

Jessica M

I haven't tried almond butter, but I did just discover sunflower seed butter. I will have to try the almond butter because I love almonds!

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