It's Day One and I'd already like a do-over.

I'm on a "summer schedule" at work this week and coming in a whole extra ONE hour early is killling me.  I know, I know - it doesn't sound THAT bad.  Plus, getting out of work an hour earlier is kind of awesome.  However, it is difficult for me to keep switching hours from week to week.  Needless to say, I overslept today.  In my defense, so did the dog.  In my rush to get out the door and to the office, I left my breakfast and lunch behind.  Ugh!  Luckily, I have a morning department meeting - where there will be breakfast.  I have my fingers crossed that it is something healthy and not muffins and cookies.  

On a positive note, the dog and I did get a quick little walk in AND I managed to throw some gym clothes in a bag for an afternoon "boot camp" class at my office gym. I just hope I grabbed all the parts to make a sufficient workout outfit... I've been known to forget necessary components in the past... like pants.