It’s the beginning of the second half!  A friend in a game on here has been writing a daily blog to help keep herself accountable. I’ve been enjoying reading her blogs and even look forward to the new one each day. Last night while going back and forth between worrying that I won’t make it to my goal this month and thinking “I’m going to succeed!” I was also thinking about how motivational this whole diet bet game system has been for me and how I absolutely intend to do another, regardless of winning or losing this time.  Then my thought process went something like this”


How can I do better next month?... Perhaps I will do daily blogs like my friend does to help me stay on top of things... I was so excited at the beginning of this and I want that excitement to stay through to the end… hey! I should start my daily blogs now! Why wait until next month? This will help me finish strong!


So, here I am starting my daily blog to see me through the last half of this game. J


I got to go to the local farmer’s market for the first time at the end of last week. This is something I've missed doing since I moved away from an area where the farmer's market was THE event of the week. I don’t live in an area now where you would think we’d have a very nice market at all, so my hopes were low, but my goodness I was pleasantly surprised! Last night with dinner we had wonderful heirloom tomatoes and fresh rolls I bought there. The night before last we used the GIANT head of cauliflower I picked up (seriously, it was bigger than a cat) to test out some different Buffalo Cauliflower “Wings” recipes. Today I’m planning to make some kale chips! Hooray for fresh, local produce! I definitely want to make the farmer’s market a more regular part of my life again.


So, with happy thoughts of farmer’s markets and blogs for the next two weeks I start my Monday. Today I’ll drink all my water, do P90X3, and day 2 of C25K!  I also really need to vacuum the living room…