The good news is that I survived my first official day of a diet. Yay!  

But why wouldn't I?  I have gained a solid 10 pounds since my wedding in April.  Yikes.  I've got a little cushion. (Yep, pun intended.)

In the past nine years of being with my now husband... I'm just shy of seventeen pounds heavier.  Oops? Didn't anyone notice? Does he even care? 

The past week has been a reality check for me:  None of my clothes fit anymore. I over-indulge in wine on the reg.  The scale keeps creeping up.  I must have lost my directions on how to get to the gym.  I have been convinced by my husband that Italian sausage and perogies is a healthy meal ("But there's protein in sausage and you are Polish!").

Obviously, these are all things I can change.  So why am I not making that attempt? I don't know... maybe because it's easier not to.  Maybe because I was hoping to get pregnant and then no one would notice my weight gain.  Maybe because I thought I shouldn't lose my half marathon training progress after taking four long months off due to injury.  I'm generally a very competitive spirit, but I must have buried that in a box with my skinny jeans.  





Today is Day 2.  It's early in this race, but I am two days sans wine (I slept better last night!), generally sticking to my meal plan for the week (I feel better this morning - even though I cheated and had a handful of candy), found time to actually work out (I tried a short run last night and didn't die!), and have ignored my husband's over-indulgant dinner requests (mostly because he is out of town on work).  That last part I am going to struggle with...