So I started a new job a week ago. Actually it wasn't really a new job but rather a place I had worked at a couple years ago that made me an offer I really couldn't refuse and so I went back. Well the culture I went from was very different, and I knew this would be one of the challenges. The place I'm at now doesn't give any direction to anything. It's understood that we have our roles and within each role we know what we have to do, to be compliant and get product to market. The accountability factor is pretty much solely on the individual.

Well how does this tie into dieting? I think pretty strongly, it has to do with making a commitment towards an end goal knowing that there are many paths that you can take to get there, and which one you adopt is important, not to necessarily make it the easiest way but really the way that best serves you.

I could do my job half heartedly but is that really fair towards the company when I've committed to a role at a certain pay scale? Is that fair to me when I'm trying to advance my career and by taking the high road I serve my commitments and my ultimate best interests. It's win win.

I could sit each day and do nothing and blame management for no direction when I'm ultimately caught out, but how hard would it be to find another job at a moment's notice and with a bad reference to boot?

What we are trying to accomplish with this bet/commitment to an end goal is no different. The path dictates final outcome, even if you decided it's too hard now, and decided that every day, and 6 months down the line some major health issue crops up with no forewarning that means you have to make a change in a hurry, would you not be wishing for those 6 months back when you could have already made the change? Seize this moment!

Which path will you choose??