And the winner is...

My sister recently bought me a FitBit and I LOVE IT! Mainly because I get to compete with her! We make it a lot of fun too. Since we have always been very competitive all our lives...this is a fun way to get us moving throughout the day. 

I was definitely shocked at how little I move throughout the day since I work at a desk ALL DAY long. But since we have incorporated this tool into our everyday life - it really helps me stay on track and reach my daily goals.

We first challenged each other and played the "weekend warrior." She won that one. Then we did a "workweek hustle" and I beat her. And now the past two days we did a "daily showdown" and she won both! URGH! We created a reward system out of this so that we would really push for a win. Below is how we play and win.


1. Daily Showdown Winner: Loser pays $5 to the winner.

2. Weekend Warrior Winner: Loser pays $10 to the winner.

3. Workweek Hustle Winner: Loser pays $25 to the winner.


If you are counting: My sister = $20 and I = $25 in winnings!

We made cute mason jars for our winnings...and we plan on taking these funds out when they hit $200 to go shopping! Maybe we can finally by one of those super cute Tory Burch FitBit bracelets that we both have been eyeing!


How do you make fitness fun??