My Physical Yesterday


02/06/2015 5:41AM
I went for my physical last September and honestly, I CAN'T WAIT to go back - my doc and I are on the same page as far as losing slow and steady and more importantly maintaining that healthy weight. My BP is normally a little low - yay - thanks Dad, for that! And my cholesterol was teetering on the high end of normal - I'm looking for it to be on the low low low end by the time I go back. And yeah - from us girls... pleeeeaaasse no whining about the "check up" I've often wondered why they went that direction to check my tonsils but yeah... stop! LOL - all joking aside - good advice - see your doc early and often. And if you don't like your doc - personality clash, whatever - find one you do like and one that will support you!

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Nathan A.

Tonsils... I almost fell out of my chair on that one! LOL!

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